Transcript of the above video:
NT-proBNP is a class I recommendation in the guidelines for heart failure diagnosis and prognosis in the United States heart failure guidelines.
Natriuretic peptides mentioned actually first in the European Society of Cardiology guidelines on the diagnosis and management of heart failure and these guidelines have just been updated as of May 2016.
So when you look at the section that says diagnosis, the first thing that’s listed is natriuretic peptides. And there’s a large flow diagram, and in the center of that, you have natriuretic peptides. And one of the key recommendations which is given – Level I recommendation and – Level A of evidence to support it – is anybody presenting with breathlessness, suspected of possibly having heart failure, acute heart failure, should have a natriuretic peptide level measured. And it’s described as an important initial test, even if there’s a degree of evidence from other sources, the natriuretic peptides should be measured and it’s confidently stated that this is a strong rule-out test.