The effectiveness of telemonitoring and integrated personalised diabetes management in people with insulin-treated type 2 diabetes mellitus
23 August 2024
- The first ever prospective randomized control trial to examine the impact of a structured follow-up program for individuals with diabetes, utilizing the iPDM model as a standard of care.
- The stability of HbA1c reduction in the tele-iPDM group during the maintenance phase indicates the sustained effectiveness of the intensive support provided during the initial 12 weeks of the study.
- Consistent with previous studies, the tele-iPDM group exhibited a 0.63% greater reduction in HbA1c at 12 weeks compared to the usual care group, and this reduction was maintained at 24 weeks.
- The greater reduction in HbA1c in the tele-iPDM group could be partially explained by the significant decrease in fasting plasma glucose (FPG) at 12 weeks, which approached significance at 24 weeks.